Cohesive HSE Management Structures: Why is it Important?

Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) considerations are integral to nearly all industries today, particularly those with high-risk operations such as oil, gas, energy, chemical and other sectors. In these environments, employees often face potential hazards daily, making effective HSE management essential and non-negotiable. While many companies implement various HSE initiatives, processes or programs, such as …

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Why is CULTURE change so difficult? It’s easier if you understand the relationship between Culture, Attitude & Behavior.

Almost every company, at some point in time, needs to implement a culture shift.  Whether it’s to adjust to market conditions, improve existing processes, or sometimes even to save the company, most executives know and understand the concept of “adapt or die.” But why is so difficult to change Culture?  Below is a quick explanation …

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What Should be the Top Three Talent Priorities for all Leaders? 

FSI ThoughtLeader HumanCapital

With increasing early retirements and an aging workforce, labor shortages are growing worse across almost all industries, some projected to be as much as millions of people over the coming decades.  No company or even industry can fix this issue single-handedly, but as is often the case in business, the trick is to not outrun …

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